Development > Systems > RAPID


Product description

RAPID is a fully electronic, galvanically isolated, autonomous front-end measuring system for the serial production of resistors and resistor networks.
It can measure resistors at high speed in the production line with high precision.
The results are provided via a galvanically isolated serial SPI interface at a rate of approximately 4MBits/s.
Two V24 interfaces for system control via a console or the host computer are also available.
The system measures resistors in the range of 10Ω to 10MΩ with high precision. (typical 0.01%)
The overall measurement range ranges from 0.01Ω to 100MΩ/5GΩ.
The measurement is performed as a 4-pin measurement, when the test needles are attached to the end contacts of the (DUT) (DUT: device under test) resistor .
A contact test is automatically performed before each measurement.
Doing so makes sure that all four testneedles have low resistance electrical contacts to the DUT.
For serial measurements in a production cycle, a measurement range is selected once only depending on the nominal value of the measurement object (device under test, DUT).
RAPID's high precision is achieved by assigning internal reference resistors of Tk 0.05 for all measurements.
The results of the internal calibration will be compared with the value of the reference resistors, which are stored in the Eprom of the system.
A possible deviation shall be taken into account as a corrective factor for the serial measurement.
Up to 8 resistance values from various measurement ranges can be configured, which can be switched for the measurement of resistor networks in time with production speed.
The factory calibration of the system reference a certified “Agilent 3458A” and certified reference resistors.


RAPID essentially encompasses two components:


Intelligent measurement system with precision current sources, reference resistors, processor, operating system and interfaces 3HE 10TE insert, Schroff system, with DIN 41612 C96 base headers as system interface, Sub D 25 pol./9pol. front plug as connection to “High Ohm Box” (HOB).

2. RAPID-HOB, High Ohm Box

Remote component isolated from measuring system. Functions: Signal conditioning / impedance conversion and measurement range extension for Rx>100.1kΩ Measurement voltage generation 60 VDC for measuring the isolation resistance. e.g. in resistor networks. Measuring range 11 isolationtest: 5GΩ; 1%The High Ohm Box needs to be installed near the contact unit of Rx, to prevent parasitic influences on the double shielded measurement lines.The HOB is kept at constant temperature of +32°C by an internal proportional heating.



Technical data

Size 19'‘ 3HE insert, 10TE = 50mm
Measuring ranges MR1 0,0…0,08Ω; MR2 0,08…0,8Ω; MR3 0,8…9,7Ω;
  MR4 9,7…100Ω; MR5 100…900Ω; MR6 900Ω…9kΩ;
  MR7 9kΩ…100,1kΩ; MR8 100,1KΩ…1MΩ;
  with HOB: MR9 1MΩ…10MΩ; MR10 10MΩ…100,1MΩ
Accuracy MR1 1%; MR2 0,1%; MR3 0,05%; MR4 to MR9 0,01%; MR10 0,2%
Measuring rate 20R/s
  with averaging and power line suppression
Size hermetically closed box, VA-steel, approx. 110x140x30mm
Interface 1,6m special shielded cable to Rapid basic (opt. longer cable)
  with Sub D4 connector, double shielded koax to Rx (~50cm)
Measuring range MR8 100,1kΩ…1MΩ; MR9 1MΩ…10MΩ;
  MR10 1MΩ…100,1MΩ; MR11 isolation 5GΩ
Accuracy MR8 0,01%; MR9 0,01%; MR10 0,2%; MR11 isolation 1%
Ambient temperature for spezified accuracy <32°C
Power supply 12VDC ±5%, max. 1A